Frontal bone - During the inspiration phase glabella should move posterior and superior


emporal bone magountemporal bone:

According to Magoun an axis should run from the petro-jugular suture to the tip of the petrous part. During inspiration the mastoid process should move posterior- medial and the mastoid part (pars mastoidea) should move anterior-lateral. The squama should move lateral, anterior and minimally inferior and the mandibular fossa should move posterior medial. A second anterior-posterior axis was also described, running through the condylo-squamo-mastoid and spheno-squamous pivot points.

 Intraosseous adaptation of the temporal bone to a global expansion and retraction of the skull.

 frontal bone flexionfrontal bone:

Flexion should take place around a horizontal axis, external rotation around two vertical axis of movement. During the inspiration phase glabella should move posterior and superior. The forehead flattens. The lateral zygomatic processes move anterior, inferior and lateral, in the sense of an external rotation.

 Intraosseous adaptation of the frontal bone to a global expansion and retraction of the skull.





✔︎ Excellently explained and demonstrated by Torsten Liem

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