Dural technique: Relaxation of the tentorium cerebelli


Dural technique: Relaxation of the tentorium cerebelli

   dural technique relaxation tentorium cerebelliSBS Compression:

-The thumbs are lying on the greater wings, posterior to the lateral rim of the eye.


-The ring- and little fingers are touching the outer areas of the occipital bone.


-The thumbs give a posterior tensile force at the greater wings until a reduction of tension in the tentorium cerebelli is perceiveable.


sbs compression greater wings SBS Decompression:


-The thumbs give an anterior tensile force at the greater wings.


-One continues as described in the frontal- lift technique.


Iinternal rotation temporal bone pastoid portionnternal rotation of the temporal bone:


The thenars of the thumbs are lying on the mastoid portion bilaterally.


-the thumbs are lying bilaterally on the anterior tip of the temporal bones’ mastoid process.


-the thenars give a posterior and medial pressure from both sides at the mastoid portion.


This internally rotates the temporal bones and the tension of the tentorium is reduced.




✔︎ Excellently explained and demonstrated by Torsten Liem

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