The parietal lift technique


parietal lift technique hand position parieto-squamous sutureParietal lift technique:


The hand position: It is similar to the spread technique, with the difference, that the thumbs are not overlapping, but instead are touching each other above the sagital suture. The other fingers are above the parieto-squamous suture.


-The fingers give a gentle medial pressure at the lower rim of the parietal bone. This releases the temporal bone from the parietal bone.


parietal lift technique releases the temporal bone-The bones of the skull have released, when the parietal bones start moving cranial and start drifting apart.


-Then one gives a cranial and slightly posterior traction at the parietal bone.


-One continues as in the description of the frontal lift technique.





✔︎ Excellently explained and demonstrated by Torsten Liem

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