Biomechanical and biodynamical models of the PRM-Rhythm:
The phases of ‘primary respiration’ are called inspiration- and expiration phase. One can also find the terms “flexion – and extension phase” in literature. However, these reduce the processes to pure axial movement, not showing the importance of the expansion and retraction components of this rhythm.
There is an expansion during the inspiration phase with a natural disengagement, meaning that the structures gently separate. There is a retraction during the expiration phase where the tissues gently converge. This retraction is a movement toward the center, creating an increasing closeness of the tissues. It does not mean a retraction in the sense of an active compression, contraction or a reactive retraction, which inhibits the body’s physiology. Those are rather the characteristics of a dysfunction.
The portrayed diagram gives further insight to the rhythmical processes of qualities and conditions, which arise during the primary respiration.