At the lambdoid suture the occipital bone overlaps the medial part of the parietal bone



lambdoid suture -        At the lambdoid suture the occipital bone overlaps the medial part of the parietal bone;


-        while the parietal bone overlaps the occipital bone in the lateral part.


-        At the occipito-mastoid suture the temporal bone overlaps the occipital bone in the cranial part


-        In the caudad portion the occipital bone overlaps the temporal bone.


This however does not occur regularly


The change of the overlapping is called condylo-squamo-mastoid pivot point.


-        At the temporo-zygomatic suture the temporal bone is usually overlapped by the zygomatic bone.


-        At Pterion the sutures overlap. At the bottom is the frontal bone, followed by the parietal bone and the sphenoid bone. At the surface is the temporal bone. To help you remember you can use the alphabetical order of the participating bones: F,P,S,T. Pterion is a relatively fixated zone


-        At Asterion the occipital bone is at the bottom, followed by the parietal bone and the temporal bone is on top. In contrast to Pterion, Asterion is a relatively mobile zone.

✔︎ Excellently explained and demonstrated by Torsten Liem

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