3. Points of Orientation on the skull:
Gnathion is a median point on the tip of the chin of the lower jaw
Nasion is a median point on the fronto-nasal suture
Glabella is a flat field between the eyebrows, on the lower part of the metopic suture
Ophryon is located over Glabella
Pterion is the joining point of the frontal bone, the sphenoid bone, the temporal bone and the parietal bone
Asterion is the joining point of the occipital bone, the parietal bone and the temporal bone
Bregma is the meeting point of the sagital suture and the coronal suture
Lambda is the meeting point of the sagital suture and the lambdoid suture
Inion is at the external occipital protuberance and is a more or less obvious bulge at the back of the skull
Opisthion is a median point at the posterior rim of the foramen magnum
Basion is a median point at the anterior rim of the foramen magnum