With the help of compression one can create a surrounding, in which the relationship between the tissues is intensified, thereby making hidden conflicts visible


Urheber: <a href='http://de.123rf.com/profile_nattawatstocker'>nattawatstocker / 123RF Lizenzfreie Bilder</a>

Treatment: Compression:


With the help of compression one can create a surrounding, in which the relationship between the tissues is intensified, thereby making hidden conflicts visible.

 Two adjoining joint partners are gently approximated. This should be done in harmony with the primary respiration if possible. Afterwards the point of balance becomes possible. The awareness (attention) is focused on the acting of the inherent homeodynamic forces.

 treatment compression point of balance homeodynamic forces 1st Alternative procedure: One joint partner – in this case the right parietal bone – is held and the left parietal bone is gently approximated and a point of balance is established.

Afterwards the left parietal bone is held and the right one is gently approximated.

 treatment compression parietal bone point of balance2nd Alternative procedure: Focusing ones attention on the converging movement during the expiration phase and on the accompanying inherent correcting forces is the only therapeutic induction.

treatment combination of compression and decompressionTreatment: Combination of Compression and decompression:

At first the joint is compressed, moved into the lesion, and afterwards it is decompressed in the opposite direction. The indirect is combined with the direct technique.

One can imagine this procedure by comparing it with a stuck (jammed) drawer. To get the drawer out, one pushes is back in first, in order to then get it out without force.




✔︎ Excellently explained and demonstrated by Torsten Liem

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